Friday, September 12, 2014

Today I almost made a blog to vent out my frustrations of TV shows, movies, 'Hollywood' in general, other media, people in the media, government, news media, culture, and so much more ... Sometimes it's really hard not to vent on things that I shouldn't let get to me, but that's what i get for hearing/reading/seeing stuff from the worlds excretion of media and those that wield it. (not the most common sense stuff.)

No... it's not one thing that set me off, it's just ... all the time, none stop, crap out there is getting old. There you go Hollywood, the "powerful", and celebrity... stupidity is cliche, so STOP IT.

yeah, dumb things will stop now! common sense rules the day because i vented. yay!

Sunday, July 27, 2014

For a promotion, both of my books will be free next weekend (Aug 1st - 3rd). Feel free to grab them, and if you read one, or both, please let me know what you think.

e-Zombie: & The Underground

Just finished several models for UE4; well actually a male and female and a bunch of level of detail versions of each.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Started watching a new TV show, and the show's ('Hollywood' driven) drama sucks; SUCKS. I'm not surprised, but disappointed that another show didn't have the capability to avoid the assembly line, that is modern BS, that Television studios consider entertainment. I often wonder how much of it is the original writers fault compared to the 'industry' writers. In school I was taught that creativity and the 'bottom line' need to find a good balance, part of me understands that, the rest of me knows that the bottom line doesn't care about quality.

I have 0 faith in the industry to produce anything worthwhile, and they keep proving me right.

... A rant? no.. just airing out some grievances so I can continue watching this show (and others) with a cleaner conscious.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Sent several query e-mails out yesterday for e-Zombie. The first few I would like to redo, but can't. It was definitely an all day thing.

Working on a few 3D and design things while in-between books. This is also a good time for trying to come up with more story ideas, characters, and character groups. It makes me wonder what my favorite part of the creative process is for me, and other people. I kind of like it now, because everything is just wide open, but I also like it when during a project things start snapping together like it was meant to be.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

Still playing around with a lot of things, like the design of this blog. I am working on other character groups and a couple of story outlines; but I really want to make at least a simple game to release on any platform before committing my brain to another book.

Though, I'm pretty sure my next attempt at another book will probably be completely different from my last couple of attempts.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

With my brain currently resetting to an operational mode that is hard to remember, I will be working on some 3D game projects that I would like to build. I will also (on occasion and slowly) be working on some new character groups and story outlines.

Basically, I'm letting my brain let go of e-Zombie to move on to whatever is next, maybe a video game or maybe the next book; if it is a book, it will not be this month, or next.

I should know something, at some point; I hope. I will probably learn whatever ever it is while swimming.

... soon

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Done, and at Amazon (along with my first book The Underground which is also now at Amazon.)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

The book is done. Well the first draft, so I need to switch my brain from create mode to rewrite mode; hitting mode switch... now.



Brain work good for rewrite now. droooooooooooooooool
Do good works, brain make rewrites now.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Well, I made it past the last chapter; and it was a good wait to find the story. However, now the next chapter is going to be a lot different than my outline suggested. I like that. I believe if the characters do something that change my planned story, or the outline I set out before writing; then I'm doing something right.

Friday, May 9, 2014

I'm not sure what it means, but there are times, like the moment where there's something in me telling me that I'm missing something, or not 'in the moment' of the story I'm writing. I know where the story is going in the next five minutes, but I know there's something I'm missing in the current moment of the characters. It's kind of hard to explain, so I thought I would, here.

I don't know if it's in my head or the story is telling me something I haven't quite figured out, but it happens all the time and is the number one reason that it takes me so long to write. I just need to make sure I don't put in some crappy filler to stretch out the story thinking that it was needed. I'd rather just skip it and move on to the next five minutes than ad some crappy filler to my story and characters.

I know it's not all in my head, because a lot of the best things I've written (imho) have been figuring out what I'm missing in these spots.

After writing solid for almost two weeks, the last two days have been slow. It feels good to write something and who knows, maybe it will help me continue writing in my current book.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Yah... Boches... about half way point and I'm writing more in a day than i did in 2 weeks at the start of the book.

Hoping to be done by July 1 14, that is a timeline that is part of the reason I'm going faster (forcing mehself to write more.)


then the rewrites(s)((s))(((etc...)))


Monday, January 27, 2014

I just passed the arbitrary amount of words in my current book of 20,000. This means, by some useless standards my book has went from a short story to a novella. These useless and arbitrary numbers mean nothing, and shouldn't in writing; especially to the characters and story arcs. 

which means: (?)

A: True 
B: BS!!!, I feel AWESOME to make it to a novella :P ... So far. I made 20k, HA! I made 20k, HO!
C: #HumbleBrag
D:  Anything for a distraction :: yay for procrastination 
E:  All the above, especially D.

(Hint: I wrote the outline to this post before I had 10k words.)